Current Market Conditions for September 2019

What started off as a slow summer due to an incredible large snowfall has continued. It appears the market has leveled off and is in a slight decline as prices increase substantially. Residential sales volume through August was $108,839,975 down $7,971,995 from last year along with amount of transactions (137 compared to 198). The average sales price, $794,452, is up 26% from $589,959 last year. Currently another 45 properties are under contract totaling $42,657,400, 14 of which are listed at $1mil or more including this beautiful estate right outside of town listed for $3,375,000 of which we represent the Buyer. 

August Sales

In August, we had 9 single family home sales and 13 condo/town home sales in the upper valley. These 22 sales totaled $22,449,775 which was nearly $13mil more than last month. Sales ranged from a one bedroom Grand Lodge condo selling for $161,000 to a record breaking home sale in the town of Crested Butte selling for $4,461,500. 

Land transactions were up 4 over last month with 13 sales totaling $4,846,300 in volume. This represents an increase of $1,552,300 in volume over last month. Sales ranged from a remote Schofield parcel for $25,000 to a Wilder on the Taylor parcel selling for $1,750,000.

SF = single family residence

Active Listings

Inventory increased slightly with only 7 new listings this month. 

30 homes (+3*)
9 condo/town homes (+1*)

23 homes (-4*)
76 condo/town homes (-1*)

62 homes (-5*)
15 condo/town homes (+2*)

7 homes (+3*)
8 condos/town homes (+3*)

* Change from last month in parentheses

Current Inventory

SF = single family residence


Leading the Market

Through the end of August the Crested Butte Collection has been involved in $23,810,200 of sales volume representing nearly 6% of the entire real estate market in Gunnison County. We are ranked #1 for amount of transactions and #2 for volume.*

*Source: CREN August 31st, 2019

All reported statistics were not necessarily listed/sold by Crested Butte Collection. Information is intended only to show trends in the area.

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Experience You Can Trust

Ranked #4

Upper Gunnison Valley
Residential Transactions

Ranked #5

Upper Gunnison Valley
Total Sales Volume

Ranked in Top 4%

Gunnison County
Residential Sales Volume

Ranked in Top 5%

Gunnison County
Total Sales Volume

Source: CREN MLS and Off-Market Sales, January - December 2024

If you’re looking to buy or sell in Crested Butte and the Gunnison Valley, please contact us. We are happy to provide information on the area, a list of properties that suit your criteria, and/or prepare a complimentary comparative market analysis to assess the value of your property.