This may be one of the best flight deals of the year. Round Trip Airfare to Gunnison – Crested Butte for $99 is available now through the Gunnison Crested Butte reservation center. The last great Colorado ski town is going to have a great ski season this year. With nearly three feet of new snow in the last week and more on the way, the slopes at Crested Butte Mountain Resort are in great condition. Visitors from around the world came in for the holiday season and spirits are high everywhere you turn. It’s the perfect time to make your travel arrangements for your dream Crested Butte ski vacation and conveniently fly directly into the Gunnison – Crested Butte airport. The offer is valid for select flights arriving in Gunnison with a connection from Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas or Chicago. The offer requires a reservation for a minimum of two nights stay to be eligible for the flight credit. Book your lodging reservations at any qualifying option in Gunnison, Almont, Crested Butte or Mt. Crested Butte and you will receive a flight credit for up to $300 per person. Up to six flight credits per party are available. The Round Trip Airfare to Gunnison – Crested Butte for $99 deal is available for stays between January 1 and March 5, 2016 or March 14-April 4th, 2016. Call the reservation center soon for this great airfare and lodging combination. The phone number for the friendly and professional Gunnison Crested Butte Reservation center is 844-209-6802.