Now that the lifts are closed, handfuls of thrill seeking snow addicts will head to the backcountry. Know Before You Go – A Powerful Backcountry Safety Reminder is a mind blowing video reminding us all about having the courage to say no when the conditions aren’t right. This cinematic collaboration between the Colorado Avalanche Information Center, Utah Avalanche Center, Avalanche Canada, American Avalanche Association, American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education, National Avalanche Center and more has some big time footage and big name skiers and snowboarders warning of this very real danger. Travis Rice, Jeremy Jones, Mikaela Shriffin and many others discuss their personal experiences with Avalanche tragedy. Travis Rice also notes that avalanches don’t only affect skiers, snowboarders and snowmobilers. ANYONE (cross country skiers, snowshoers, hikers…anyone in the mountains) can be caught in the dangers of sliding snow without taking appropriate steps to avoid avalanches. The appropriate gear, training, and knowledge of the terrain and conditions are key, but everything comes down to the decisions that you make before you drop in. Choose your backcountry partners wisely and make sure that avalanche safety is a top priority. For more information on local avalanche classes, current conditions and forecasts check out our very own local resource- the Crested Butte Avalanche Center. Have fun and be safe!