As you drive into Crested Butte from the south, you may notice the home of The Unofficial (cat) Mayor of Crested Butte on your left. He lives in the Crested Butte True Value. The friendly feline’s name is Mr. Jingles and he is a well known character/politician in town. Whether you typically vote Democat or Repawblican, it doesn’t seem to matter to him. Mr. Jingles is a long time representative of the local spirit of Crested Butte. Locals stop in daily to say hello to the sleepy guy and some tourists even travel from far away places, in part to meet Mr. Jingles. The quirky cat is usually posted up near the cash register or in his camping chair, where he greets customers between long cat naps. He has been “supervising” the happenings at the True Value for seven years and has made a lasting impact on local culture. Every May, Crested Butte’s top cat celebrates his birthday by hosting a big bash in town. JinglesPalooza has beer sponsors, games and prizes, but the focus is celebrating the fur covered mayor and the funky spirit that he represents… it’s a pretty big deal. The unofficial (cat) Mayor of Crested Butte even has his own Facebook page named Jingles El GatoPerro, where you can check out his photos, say hello or see upcoming events. Next time you’re in Crested Butte, be sure to stop in and say hello to the unofficial mayor who resides in the True Value.