In early September we will be Honoring the Day the Klunkers from Crested Butte Invaded Aspen. 40 years ago a group of adventure seeking individuals modified their bicycles into primitive mountain bikes – lovingly referred to as “klunkers” for the first annual Pearl Pass Tour. This two day trek begins by riding up Brush Creek Road for 17 miles to the base camp. The following day, participants ride up another 2 miles to the summit of Pearl Pass followed by 6 miles of downhill into the town of Aspen. Over the years the annual event has had surges of popularity including a period in the mid 80s when over 300 riders joined in on the fun. Five years ago – for the 35th anniversary – only one dedicated rider made it through the September snow storm all the way to Aspen. For the past few years, participation has remained steady in the 10-20 person range.
This years ride – marking 40 years of honoring the day the Klunkers from Crested Butte invaded Aspen will take place on September 10th and 11th. Dinner and breakfast at base camp will be provided by Rim Tours and beer will be provided by Wichita Brewing. For questions, email Don and Kay at . To register for this years event and contribute to the rich mountain biking history in Crested Butte, go to Klunkers are highly respected, but all bikes are welcome.