Short Climate Film Features Gothic Local billy barr

Short Climate Film Features Gothic Local billy barr It was summer of 1972 when billy barr first arrived in the secluded “ghost town” of Gothic, Colorado. A chance summer job that “sounded interesting”, who would have known he’d end up...

13 Paradise Rd, Mt. Crested Butte, CO ~ Sold

13 Paradise Rd, Mt. Crested Butte, CO ~ Buyer Representation ~ Sold for $800,000 I am pleased to announce the buyer represented sale of 13 Paradise Rd, Mt. Crested Butte, CO. This 4 bedroom, 3 bath single family home with attached accessory dwelling is located just...

Here Lies Colorado’s Biggest Body of Water

Here Lies Colorado’s Biggest Body of Water Less than an hour drive from Crested Butte, Here Lies Colorado’s Biggest Body of Water. The Blue Mesa Reservoir which is located in the Curecanti National Recreation Area near Gunnison, Colorado, is the perfect place to spend...

51 Whetstone Rd, Unit 1103, Mt. Crested Butte ~ Sold

51 Whetstone Rd, Unit 1103, Mt. Crested Butte – Buyer & Seller representation – Sold for $200,000 I am very pleased to have had the opportunity to represent both the buyer and seller in the sale of 51 Whetstone Rd, Unit 1103, Mt. Crested Butte. This one bedroom,...