Fees Set For Short-Term Rentals In CB
The town council board voted and it’s official; The new fee structure for Short-Term Rentals (STR) in Crested Butte has been set. The September 5th vote set the fee for unlimited licenses to $750 and $200 for the license that would go to primary residents. The STR program offers two types of licenses. The first allows for rentals for an unlimited number of nights throughout the year. The council put a cap on how many of these licenses are available however. Only 30% of the homes in town can obtain this license. The second license was generated for people who would like to rent their primary Crested Butte residence and comes with a 60-day limit on the number of nights they can rent their home. Money collected from the STR fees will go toward the costs involved in running the STR licensing program such as inspections, staff, software and postage. This program is estimated to cost the town approximately $160,000 per year. It is expected that a majority of the unlimited licenses will be sold but with the requirement that they pay for 2 years, $1,500, that may deter some from the STR of their home. Read more on the Fees Set For Short-Term Rentals In CB.
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