The Crested Butte ski area is in its final week of the 2022/2023 season and the end-of-season visitors’ forecast is out. We saw visitor numbers around 4,000 this past weekend with numbers dropping to around 3,000 during the upcoming week. Then, we will see a steep decline on closing day which is Sunday, April 2nd.

The Gunnison Crested Butte Tourism and Prosperity Partnership, or TAPP, compiles data from various visitation dashboards to provide visitation forecasting for the valley. You can visit their website for updated forecast numbers here – Visitor Forecasting.

TAPP was voted into existence by the people of Gunnison County in 2002 and was known as the Gunnison-Crested Butte Tourism Association from 2002-2019. The 2002 ballot issue created a Local Marketing District for the purpose of marketing the Gunnison Valley. The vote allowed the lodging tax to increase from 1.9% to 4%. This tax applies to rooms and accommodations rented to customers for less than 30-day periods. Since its founding, TAPP has been responsible for marketing the Gunnison Valley as a year-round vacation destination. TAPP’s mission is to leverage Local Marketing District and grant monies to grow overnight visitation revenues as well as grow prosperity and opportunity for Gunnison Valley residents.

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