Record Temps With Snow In The Forecast

Record Temps With Snow In The Forecast ~ Earlier this week Denver experienced record temps with snow in the forecast. While it's not unusual for Colorado to see a range of weather patterns in late fall and early winter, Denver shattered November heat records reaching...

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Winter Hiking & Navigation Hazards

Winter Hiking & Navigation Hazards ~ While winter can be wonderful time to go hiking, there are winter hiking & navigation hazards you should be aware of and some extra safety precautions you should take. Winter hiking and navigation differs from hiking in any...

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One Step Closer To A Crested Butte To Carbondale Trail

One Step Closer To A Crested Butte To Carbondale Trail ~ We may be one step closer to a Crested Butte to Carbondale trail, one of 16 trail projects across Colorado that was chosen for a statewide trails initiative. What was once thought of as just being a pipe dream,...

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Will We See A New Helipad Near Irwin?

Will We See A New Helipad Near Irwin? ~ Last Friday Eleven Experience went before the Gunnison County Planning Commission requesting a permit to operate a helicopter pad near the Irwin Townsite. Eleven's attorney, David Leinsdorf, claims “It’s just to bring in...

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Denver First U.S. City To Allow Pot In Bars, Restaurants

Denver First U.S. City To Allow Pot In Bars, Restaurants ~ Denver, Colorado is again making history as the first city in the nation to pass a law allowing patrons to use pot in bars, restaurants and other public locations. So what's the catch you might ask? Well,...

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The History Of The US Presidential Turkey Pardon

The History Of The US Presidential Turkey Pardon ~ The History Of The US Presidential Turkey Pardon can be traced clear back to 1863 when Abraham Lincoln spared a turkey destined for the Presidential Thanksgiving table. It's said his son, Tad, had befriended the bird....

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Crested Butte Snowsports Foundation Donation Day

Crested Butte Snowsports Foundation Donation Day ~ The day we've all been waiting for is finally here! The Crested Butte Snowsports Foundation Donation Day is tomorrow, Wednesday November 22nd. The resort's official opening day isn't until Thursday, November 23rd so...

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Thanksgiving Dinner Out

Thanksgiving Dinner Out ~ Not into cooking a big meal this Thanksgiving? Thinking about having Thanksgiving Dinner Out? No problem! Whether you're looking for a traditional sit-down feast for the family or a get together with friends and local "orphans" (those who do...

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Safety Tips for Deep Frying Turkey

Safety Tips for Deep Frying Turkey Thanksgiving is just around the corner and you're probably planning your big feast. Nowadays, many have given up the traditional cooking method of roasting a turkey and opted for deep frying instead. Deep fried turkey has gained a...

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Schmidt And Ladoulis In A Run-Off For Mayor Spot

Schmidt And Ladoulis In A Run-Off For Mayor Spot For the first time in history of Crested Butte elections, there is going to be a run-off for the position of Town Mayor. Last week's elections on November 7th was a close race with not one of the four candidates...

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The History Of Halloween

The history of Halloween dates back many, many centuries to an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. Later, in the 8th century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as "All Saints Day", a day...

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Car Camping Is On The Rise

Car Camping Is On The Rise It seems we all have busy, hectic schedules these days so when the weekend comes, we don't always have a lot of time to plan an elaborate backpacking trip. Perhaps that's why Car Camping Is On The Rise. You don't need to take a three day...

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