Astronauts' Vacation House

Astronauts' Vacation House In April 1967, Popular Mechanics published an article on the Astronauts' Vacation House in Crested Butte, Colorado. As we all know, all kinds of people from all walks of life like to call Crested Butte "Home". We have Olympians, Reality TV...

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The Crested Butte Hiking Guide

The Crested Butte Hiking Guide If you're visiting Crested Butte this summer, you'll definitely want to check out The Crested Butte Hiking Guide.  Crested Butte is located in the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains and the Elk Mountain Range, offering some of the...

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Crested Butte Is the Country's Best Mountain Bike Destination

Crested Butte Is the Country's Best Mountain Bike Destination It's no surprise to those who live here that Crested Butte Is the Country's Best Mountain Bike Destination. Sure, there are lots of great places to ride such as Moab and Sedona but Crested Butte is full of...

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Gunnison Air Service Resumes Tomorrow

Gunnison Air Service Resumes Tomorrow We're excited to hear that Gunnison Air Service Resumes Tomorrow, Saturday June 24th. The Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional Airport has been closed to all air service for runway rehabilitation for the past several months making...

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7 Things You Didn't Know About Mountain Biking

7 Things You Didn't Know About Mountain Biking Mountain biking has grown in popularity not only in Colorado but across the world. Crested Butte, known as the "birthplace of the mountain bike", offers riders miles and miles of high alpine bike trails and some of the...

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Colorado Summer Mountain Festivals Worth The Drive

Colorado Summer Mountain Festivals Worth The Drive Who doesn't love a summer road trip? Hitting the road and checking out fun summer activities in our mountain towns is one of our favorite summer past times. Here are some Colorado Summer Mountain Festivals Worth The...

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Gunnison River Whitewater Park

Gunnison River Whitewater Park The Gunnison Valley is a favorite destination for many adventure seekers and offers up a variety of fun outdoor sports. The Gunnison River Whitewater Park is a favorite summer spot for locals. Built for canoeing, kayaking and rafting,...

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Snowmelt To Peak This Week And Will Have Big Impacts

Snowmelt To Peak This Week And Will Have Big Impacts We are expecting Snowmelt To Peak This Week And Will Have Big Impacts on the local rivers. The streams and rivers in the Upper Gunnison River Basin are running fast and at their banks this week as we're nearing peak...

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School of Rocks

School of Rocks We're just wrapping up graduation season and many young adults are getting ready to start a new chapter in life as they head off to college this fall. A lot of thought and consideration goes into which college they ultimately pick. Family ties, cost,...

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Lake Irwin Campground

Lake Irwin Campground Summer is here which means many have camping on their mind. If you are planning a camping trip in the Gunnison Valley, the Lake Irwin Campground should be on your list. Located just over 8 miles west of the town of Crested Butte, Colorado, the...

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Crested Butte Trails: Lupine Trail

Crested Butte Trails: Lupine Trail Crested Butte has miles and miles of great trails, many of them pretty close to town. The Lupine Trail might just be the best of them all. From June through August the entire trail is painted with color, lined with wildflowers such...

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