Many Crested Butte Community Members Puzzled at the Snodgrass Mountain Decision

For the last few months we’ve been covering the story of Crested Butte Mountain Resort’s desire to expand lifts onto neighboring Snodgrass Mountain, and the Forest Service’s rejection of their application. This issue has gone back and forth it seems for months, between appeals, counter-appeals, petitions etc. One of the main issues to community members right now is a lack of understanding.

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Colorado resort towns wrestle with collecting taxes – Crested Butte

When Elizabeth Smith first listed her three-bedroom Crested Butte home on in 2000, she was one of five Crested Butte homeowners on the website offering private nightly rentals directly to vacationers.
Today, she is among 200 Crested Butte homeowners peddling pillows on There are 100 more up the road in Mount Crested Butte and dozens more down-valley.

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Mount Crested Butte business summit: owners want more tourists in town

Participants commented on everything from the effectiveness of the Rural Transportation Authority ground and air programs to ideas for livening up the base area. Some of the businesses reported surprisingly good numbers to date, considering the decline in Mount Crested Butte’s 2009 sales tax numbers, which are down 15 percent over 2008. Others said they are feeling the pain, big-time.

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